Monday, January 10, 2011

January Block Swap almost finished!

Ok so I've finally finished...well sort of. I've made my two January Blocks and I just have to sew them together! I'm waiting on some blue variegated thread my Mom is sending me...but it seems to have gotten lost between Christmas and the floods :S I hope it gets here soon!

That asside I'm super stoked that I have accomplished this. I made the pattern/design myself and put it all together! For my first quilting project on my own I think I've done well *YIPPEE*

This is the fist block i did and the prototype. I forgot that I had to made 2 so I pinned it all together and only cut one of everything.

So then the hard work began, unpinning, and labeling each shape so I knew what to put where.

I think the hardest part was cutting out the white wash a second time. But I did it and this is the result.

The right one is my sister Trystans and the right one is mine...but we'll see if they don't get mixed up before they get posted *shifty eyes* LOL.

So I will post again when I have manged to sew them together ^_^

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