Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas Eve doesn't always involve Ho Ho Ho...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
1st Christmas
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
January Block Swap
If anyone else would like to get involved let me know!
Some examples are this quilt square from Fresh Lemons Quilts
Block Swap
I have an idea. I am intersted in starting a Block Swap...so here's what you do. We pick colous, theme etc and then all involved create one block for each other person involved (usually 12 x 12, but we can pick the size) and send it. The aim is to have a block from each person participating that you can make a quilt out of.
There are two ways to do it:
Centralized Quilting Swaps
In a centralized swap, items are sent directly to a hostess, who sorts them and forwards a package on to all swappers.
Centralized Pros
•Postage is usually a bit less, since you send one package and pay for the return of one package.
•You'll receive all of your goodies at the same time.
•If another swapper doesn't complete the swap, you receive your own item back.
•If a swapper does not send appropriate items, those items are generally sent back to the swapper--not to you.
Centralized Cons
•Centralized swaps aren't as personal, since the hostess sorts items and sends them on to other swappers.
•If a hostess doesn't follow through you could lose all of your items. The hostesses who volunteer on About Quilting have been participants for awhile and have an excellent reputation. However, things happen in life and I would never tell you that problems don't occur.
Decentralized Quilting Swaps
If you join a decentralized swap, you will send a packet to each swap member in your group and each person will send one to you.
Decentralized Pros
•It's more personal. You can send a specific block or other item to a specific person--for instance, something made from a fabric you know that person will love.
•Some swappers prefer to get a succession of squishies (quilt packages) in the mail on a regular basis. It's kind of like a daily birthday until the swap is over.
Decentralized Cons
•If another swapper doesn't follow through, you'll receive less items than you send.
•If someone's cutting or stitching abilities are poor, there's no hostess to take care of quality control.
•Postage will likely be a little higher. You only pay for postage one way, but it's to multiple recipients.
I would like to know how many of you would be interested in having a bit of fun doing this? It doesn't matter how good/bad your skills are it's about diversity and sharing your talents.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Has to be homemade and not totally ridiculous.
Remember if you don't comment I will not be able to do any fun stuff!
Monday, December 13, 2010
The Practical Guide to Patchwork
Sunday, December 12, 2010
President Dieter F. Uchdorf
Mormon Messages - Create
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dream Sewing Room
My favourite colour at the moment is purple so she made this using as much purple as possible! I love you Trisby...thank you so much.
New Project
I am making a Magic Baby Quilt and this is the beginning. I haven't ironed anything and my stitching is not straight BUT it's a work in progress AND my the first quilt I've made on my own.
Friday, April 30, 2010
My first mothers day.
But I can't go without mentioning my wonderful hubby who bought it for me. I don't think it would ever be possible for me to say he doesn't spoil me more then I deserve.
Monday, April 19, 2010
A stitch in the right direction.

I've started a cross stitch ^_^ my mum actually found it, but I claimed it because it was so cute.

This is the result...
A little brown bear with a pink bow and a pink button ^_^ my kind of girly.
I also got at new pattern in the mail today for some pin cushions that I am going to make as toys. I will keep you updated on the progress and put some pictures up as soon as I have them ^_^
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I'm thinking of putting some felt on front to make it look like trees and putting red buttons in them so it will look like apples...but I guess we'll see.
I'll post more as I get more done ^_^
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Preparing for a baby...shower
This is what we have so far...
I don't know what it is but at the moment I'm really into Owls. Maybe they are just cute who knows.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Finally Finished!
Close up
I ended up using a few different fabrics then I had planned on but it's all part of the process. The border is satin, and I used some fleece neutral fleece that I wasn't planning on but I personally think it looks AWESOME.
I also have an update on my next quilt. Once again the fantastic Renee is mentoring me through the process but this is what I have so far.
It's called a 'Quilt as you go' quilt. Once I have as many squares as I want for whatever it is I'm making I will trim them all up and sew them all together. Originally this square was 2 plain circles but once they are cut down the middle and stitched together they make this cool pattern. The circles on the front side is a combination of 2 of 3 different sized circles that will be made from different colours of materials.
I am thinking of doing 3 x 6 mat (9 1/2 x 9 1/2 squares) to use as a change pad or something, but I'm still undecided.
I have to mention that Renee gave me the material for this whole project and including some of her hand dyed fabrics to use for the circles (and they are so beautiful). I am so grateful for the time and effort she has given to teach me and the love I know has gone into these fabrics. So ultimately I will dedicate this quilting project to her.
Needless to say I'm really excited about this new project, because it gives you a lot of free rain (?) on the stitching and the fabric etc. When this one is done I would like to try it again with a different shape. Renee's quilt (my inspiration for this project) was made in Autumn colours and used 3 different leaf shapes. But like Renee says 'I will let the fabric inspire me' so lets hope I find something wicked cool before I finish this one so I have some time to work on my attack plan.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
"A quillow is a quilt with a pillow pouch attached. When folded, it looks like a pillow; when fully unfolded it is a quilt to keep you warm with a pouch for your feet.
I found some good instructions on the web (http://www.capitalquilts.com/freeproject/makeaquillow.pdf) should anyone out there like to give it a try ^_^ and don't worry if your not great with sewing just give it a go and see what happens!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Good dreams and better ideas.
- Washcloths/Face Washers
- Burp-cloths
- Pincushions...that I was going to use as toys instead.
The other side has some cool waffle print fabric I had left over from my quilt. The ribbon I wrangled from my mother-in-laws scrap booking supplies ^_^
There's a first for everything!
On a warm sunny afternoon here in Canada my mother-in-law and I took a trip to the fabric store. Officially I was there to find material for a Quillow my Tante and I were going to make together but as per usual I got a little sidetracked...
This was the result. I blame it on the people who make children's fabric too cute! Either way I decided that I needed to make a baby quilt. At the time I didn't know what I was having so we tried to make it gender neutral.
So now that I had material and I knew I wanted a baby quilt all I had to do is figure out how in the heck I was going to do that, considering I couldn't even sew in a straight line.What to do...I called my RS President who happens to be my Visiting Teacher and is known in our ward for being a pro quilter with 30 odd years of experience. Jackpot...she agreed to teach me how to do it. I designed the pattern myself and began the long process.
It was a difficult process and I struggled a lot to try and sew in a straight line, but it's almost done! SO EXCITED!!! At the moment all that is left is the border...so when I finish next Monday I will make sure to add a picture.