Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Eve doesn't always involve Ho Ho Ho...

p.s. i quilt

Ok so after a few challenges we are off on a new adventure!

Christmas is always a big ordeal for my family...and this year was no different. Well except for the myriad of new babies and all of us FINALLY being in the same country...OK so it was a little different.

   ...Pre-Eve Back Story...

Trystan my sister was the host of the hour setting up and organizing everyone so we all knew what to do, when to do it and most importantly what to bring. I was the lucky winner of the Trifle...which was great because it is supposedly easy to make. However, this master kitchen disaster had never made Trifle, and come to think of it I don't even like it.

Nevertheless, a trifle it was to be. So me being as organized as a hamster and left everything to the night before. Except of course for the jelly which was something I prepared earlier (pictures being on a cooking show). So I've gotten home late for work and had to make my own custard and finally with some help from Miranda finished and showed just in time to be in bed by 11.30 :S

   ...Eve Arrives...

So the day of the big event arrives, I kiss my sweet 6 month old princess goodbye and I'm off to work by 6.30. I'm now at work...well pretending to work while trying desperately to focus. But that's pretty pointless since all I can think about is parting with my family.

Work finally grinds to a halt...well end really and I catch the train home, get ready and am off to my sisters with my Trifle in toe! After 45 minutes of driving in the rain...(which is an event in itself considering this is Brisbane, Australia) I arrive at my sisters.

I don't often get to see my sister so we left the kids to the husbands and went down the back to talk about quilting. We often speak on the phone of wonderful ideas that often never come to fruition because of a 'lack of means'. BUT this could never dampen our spirits. 

'The Sisterhood' as we call it will as always conquer.

So while punch was being made, makeup was being applied and gossip was being swapped...I was watching Goofey's Christmas with the Kids and the men :D

Food was eaten, bonbons popped (with help from Kaleb my nephew who felt he need to be involved in each POP...hehehe), bad jokes swapped and crowns arranged in such a way as to not 'wreck' the hair. After which we called one of my other sisters who lives in Perth and couldn't be with us and prepared for the mayhem of Secret Santa. Wrapping paper few, children laughed we all had to yell to be heard, babies cried, tears were shed and after all of that we laughed and I marveled at the wonder that is my family. 

We then ate some more and eventually rolled ourselves out the door to go home and nurse our full I flopped into bed.

The moral of the story being, no matter how confusing, absurd and/or dysfunctional my family seems to be and believe you me that is a marvel in and of itself, I can't help but think how much I love them, however many allowances I give them and however many chances we they give me.

This story is proudly brought to you by Brie Henri, for p.s. i quilt and Fat Quarter Shop.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

1st Christmas

Ok so this year will be my beautiful babies first exciting! So aside from the usual toys and all around general spoiling I decided to make a special outfit for her.

Which at the time seemed like a good idea...I soon found out just how hard it actually would be. I decided on a Pillowcase Dress which 'looks' easy HA. But thanks to some help from my wonderful mum and a few trial and error runs at making Bias Tape we did it!

The binding around the arrms was the hardest...only because I had to figure out how to make it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

January Block Swap

For all those interested there are only 2 people doing this sister Trystand and I. LOL. So Trystan choose the theme for January and has decided 'Beach' colours are blue and yellow, size 12x12 (finished), due date is Feb 1st.

If anyone else would like to get involved let me know!

Some examples are this quilt square from Fresh Lemons Quilts

This one from Three Crafty Ladies is beautiful...I don't think I will be doing anything like this but's is still an option.

If you need anymore ideas just goole Beach quilt blocks there are heaps of great ideas out there!

Block Swap

Morning Ladies (and Gents if there are any)

I have an idea. I am intersted in starting a Block here's what you do. We pick colous, theme etc and then all involved create one block for each other person involved (usually 12 x 12, but we can pick the size) and send it. The aim is to have a block from each person participating that you can make a quilt out of.

There are two ways to do it:

Centralized Quilting Swaps

In a centralized swap, items are sent directly to a hostess, who sorts them and forwards a package on to all swappers.

Centralized Pros

•Postage is usually a bit less, since you send one package and pay for the return of one package.
•You'll receive all of your goodies at the same time.
•If another swapper doesn't complete the swap, you receive your own item back.
•If a swapper does not send appropriate items, those items are generally sent back to the swapper--not to you.
Centralized Cons
•Centralized swaps aren't as personal, since the hostess sorts items and sends them on to other swappers.
•If a hostess doesn't follow through you could lose all of your items. The hostesses who volunteer on About Quilting have been participants for awhile and have an excellent reputation. However, things happen in life and I would never tell you that problems don't occur.

Decentralized Quilting Swaps

If you join a decentralized swap, you will send a packet to each swap member in your group and each person will send one to you.

Decentralized Pros
•It's more personal. You can send a specific block or other item to a specific person--for instance, something made from a fabric you know that person will love.
•Some swappers prefer to get a succession of squishies (quilt packages) in the mail on a regular basis. It's kind of like a daily birthday until the swap is over.
Decentralized Cons
•If another swapper doesn't follow through, you'll receive less items than you send.
•If someone's cutting or stitching abilities are poor, there's no hostess to take care of quality control.
•Postage will likely be a little higher. You only pay for postage one way, but it's to multiple recipients.

I would like to know how many of you would be interested in having a bit of fun doing this? It doesn't matter how good/bad your skills are it's about diversity and sharing your talents.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Ok so if I was to run a competition what would you want for a prize?

Has to be homemade and not totally ridiculous.

Remember if you don't comment I will not be able to do any fun stuff!

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Practical Guide to Patchwork

I just got a new book written by Elizabeth Hartman:

It a brilliantly written book with so much useful information, including everything you need to get started...except it's not in metric. SO if anyone is looking to start quilting or needs a quilting book this is definitely the one to get! (it also comes with 12 quilting patterns) 

However, I am looking for a good quilting book that has the conversions to metric. If any one knows of a book or guide for this PLEASE PLEASE let me know.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human matter the education, background or abilities we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before"

President Dieter F. Uchdorf
Mormon Messages - Create

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dream Sewing Room

How beautiful is this's Heather Bailey's

One day I will have a room like this...something to inspire and excite me!


One of my other sisters Miranda (the tempest) made me a beautiful apron. I don't want to post pictures till she is back from Melbourne and we can take them together...she made herself a matching one (just using other colours). 

So don't let me forget to post them!


This isn't one of my creations but I have to share it with you because it's beautiful! My wonderful sister Trystan made this for my birthday.

My favourite colour at the moment is purple so she made this using as much purple as possible! I love you Trisby...thank you so much.

New Project

TO all my faithful readers out there (if there are any) thank you for being so patient while I get myself in order. It has been a while but I have started something new! Thanks to my mother in law for supplying a beautiful Jelly Roll by Bunny Hill Designs which I totally love!

I am making a Magic Baby Quilt and this is the beginning. I haven't ironed anything and my stitching is not straight BUT it's a work in progress AND my the first quilt I've made on my own.

So once again I LOVE THIS FABRIC! I will keep you updated.